Today we celebrate the International Children's Day! Employees of Family Strengthening services, SOS Children's Villages, Tashkent came to...
An art therapy session has been held to reduce psycho-emotional stress and resolve internal conflicts in the frame of “Parents...
From May 19 to 24, qualification tournament for the assignment of chess ranks took place in the premises of “Poytakht” business...
On the first day of the visit to Uzbekistan, on April 28th, the President of SOS Children’s Villages, Siddhartha Kaul has been introduced to...
SOS Ring of honour award ceremony has been held for SOS mothers from Uzbekistan, Armenia and Kazakhstan on April 30, 2019 in Samarkand city,...
The second two-day study tour has been held in Tashkent 16-17 April, 2019. Social workers together with SOS Children’s Villages...
The 4 th National Coordinating Council (NCC) meeting was held on the 20 th February, 2019 in the frame of an European Union...
A two-day study tour took place in Khorezm region on 25-26 March, 2019. Social workers from 10 pilot makhallas of the three project regions...
Volunteers from the American University in Washington DC visited SOS Children's Village Tashkent under the “Alternative...